Tuesday, July 14, 2009

History E-Learing

Dear parents

Please be informed that Ms Nurul Huda, their new History teacher has created a blogspot and here is the link http://www.bvss-history.blogspot.com/

Do visit this blogspot regularly as Ms Huda has posted Instructions which will be given to inform our kids of their e-learning tasks. It's really useful.


BVSS Family Amazing Race!

Hi Parents!

I hope you have received the flyer on the BVSS Amazing Race to be held this coming Saturday 18 July, 7.15am till about 1pm. This is the first time we are organising this activity, and it promises to be fun and challenging, especially for us parents. *grin*

If you don't have the flyer and would like to know more about this activity, please email me at francyn@singnet. com.sg and I will send the e-flyer toyou. Please register by Wednesday 15 July NOON (I work from 9am - 12noon) as I need to collate the number of teams participating, and arrange fortransport.

My apologies to those of you whose children have tried to register for the Amazing Race on Wednesday and Friday. In the first place not many people know where the SFE room is, and I was away on course on Friday.

Here's a little practice as a prelude to the actual race itself :
Try locating the SFE Room!

1. Ground floor
2. Near the canteen area.
3. Between the fruit-vending machines, outdoor piano and uniform shop.
4. Faces the gazebo (a-HAH! Students! Look THAT up in thedictionary!)
5. You'll know when you've found it - there's a colourful sign that says SFE Room.

If after all these clues your kids still can't find the room, I shall cry and throw an amazing tantrum *grin* Or get your kids to call me and I'll direct them there.

Warm regards,
Francyn Tan
SFE Coordinator
Bedok View Secondary School
HP: 9780-9782

Suspension of CCA in Term 3 Week 3 (13 July to 17 July)

Dear Parents/Guardian

Kindly take note that the suspension of Co-curricular Activities will continue till 17 July (Friday). This is in line with MOE's policy to suspend all activites involving mass congregation in view of the H1N1 situation.

Goh Lay Ching
HOD/CCA & Student Leadership

Friday, July 3, 2009

Suspension of CCA in Term 3 Week 2

Dear Parents,

Kindly take note that the suspension of Co-curricular Activities will continue till next week. This is in line with MOE's policy to suspend all activites involving mass congregation in view of the H1N1 situation.


Youth Day Holiday on Monday 6 Jul

Dear Parents,

Please take note that Monday 6 July is Youth Day. It is a school holiday so students are not required to come to school.

However the General Office will still be open for administrative matters.

Thanks and regards

Info on H1N1 downloadable from sch website

Dear Parents

Useful info on H1N1 in powerpoint format is available for download at www.bedokviewsec. moe.edu.sg Form teachers will go through these slides with students. Besides useful info on the virus, there are also tips, do's and don'ts etc. on how to safeguard and minimise the spread of this virus.

Thank you.
Zulkifli Ahmad
Bedok View Sec

Instructions on H1N1 before sch reopens in Term 3

Dear Parents

Some information and procedures to follow to ensure safety of our students and staff. Please read the attached note from our Principal, Mr Boo. For more info please login to our school website at http://www.bedokvie wsec.moe. edu.sg/

Thanks and regards
Zulkifli Ahmad
Bedok View Sec