Thursday, April 30, 2009

Temperature Taking Exercise

Dear parent/Guardian

Bedok View Sec had conducted the temperature taking exercise this morning as part of the measures to maintain schools’ preparedness to resume the temperature-taking regime should there be a need to. Repeated exercises serve to reinforce in students the importance of developing a habit of taking personal responsibility for their own health and exercising social responsibility for the health of others.

As such there will be another temperature-taking exercise to be conducted on Monday, 4 May 2009 in Bedok View Secondary.

We seek your help in ensuring that your child bring his/her personal Oral Digital Thermometer to school on each day that he/she reports to school. This will facilitate the conduct of temperature taking at short notice should there be a need to.

Thank you for your support and cooperation.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Secondary One Express & Normal (Academic) Mid Year Examination Time Table 2009

Dear Parents

Please be informed that the mid-year examination time table as follows:

27 Apr (Mon) 0750 - 0935 English Language P1

04 May (Mon) 0750 - 0950 Chinese / Malay Language P1

05 May (Tue) 0750 - 0930 English Language P2

06 May (Wed) 0750 - 0920 Chinese / Malay Language P2
06 May (Wed) 0940 - 1010 Chinese / Malay Language P3 (Listening Comprehension)

07 May (Thu) 0750 - 0920 English Literature

08 May (Fri) 0750 - 0950 Geography
08 May (Fri) 1030 - 1230 Higher Chinese P1

12 May (Tue) 0750 - 0905 Mathematics P1
12 May (Tue) 0950 - 1120 Higher Chinese P2

13 May (Wed) 0750 - 0950 Science

14 May (Thu) 0750 - 0905 Mathematics P2

Note: Pupils will be dismissed immediately after the papers for the day.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stand down of CCA

Dear Parents/Guardian

Please note that CCA will stand down from 20 April (Mon) to 15 May (Fri) for all in view of Mid Year Examination.

However, for the week of 20 April to 24 April, there are still competitions for a few groups like the Angklung Ensemble, Choir and Netball. Otherwise, there should be no CCA.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Parentlink newsletter

Dear Parents,

The Parentlink newsletter has been uploaded in the files section. There are many updates on the happenings and developments in the school since the last issue. A hardcopy of the newsletter has been issued to all students, for them to pass to their parents.

You should receive it from your child today. Please remind them in case they forget.

Fathul Rahman
HOD Student Devt

Friday, April 3, 2009

BV Indoor Sports Hall Official Opening Ceremony cum Sports Carnival 2009

Hi All,

Bedok View Secondary is pleased to hold the BV Indoor Sports Hall Official Opening Ceremony cum Sports Carnival, on 3 April 2009 (Friday) morning from 7.00am to 11.00am. We are honoured to have Mr Abdullah Tarmugi as our the Guest-of-Honour. Students will report and assemble in the school hall by 7.10am, in their House T-shirt and school shorts. Students will be officially dismissed by 11.00am, but they may stay to try out the Carnival Game stations till 12.30pm.

We will also like to invite all parents to join the school for this special occasion in one or more of the following ways:
1) 2 volunteers to be in the Running contingent (800m around school vicinity) to pass a balloon torch to GOH for opening of Sports Carnival
2) Participate in the fringe activities at the sports carnival:
- Basic Health Screening for $8 before GST ( Encouraged to fast for at least 8 hours prior to health screening. Only plain water is allowed.)
- Get your face painted at our Face Painting Booth
- Learn more about Jamaican Culture at the Jamaican Booth
- Get the limited edition of our BV 30th Anniversay Souvenir Bear at the Souvenir Booth
- Get a Game Card and try out at least 5 game stations in exchange for a Carnival Gift
3) Please reply to me directly if you are interested in being part of the running contingent.

Thank you & Hope to see you this Friday!
Mrs Lena Tiu