Thursday, February 19, 2009

Common Test 1

The time-table for Common Test One is already out. CT1 starts on 26 Feb and ends on 3 Mar. The duration of all papers is 50 mins. There will be 2 papers each day. First paper starts 7.40 am till 8.30 am. Normal lessons resume until 11.00 am. Students sit for second paper at 11.05 am.

All students have been issued with a copy of the time-table. Should you have any enquiries on the common test, please do not hesitate to ask Mrs Georgina Hua, HOD Humanities:


  1. How is it that this site which is created for parents and teachers has absolutely no comments from parents so far?

    Are all parents of 1E2 aware of the existence of this site - I only found out about it two days ago.


  2. Hi thank you for your support and comment for our blogspot.

    In fact we did send out a flyer to all the parents of 1E2 requesting for their email address so that we can send email informing them of this blogspot but however the response from parents are quite bad. So we only managed to send email to those who has provided us their email address.

    I am so happy to have received your comments and glad to know that you find this blogspot is useful. May I know your name and who is child in 1E2.

